Sunday, September 23, 2012

Getting Ready for Season Six

The blog is back from vacation, and ready to get going on the next season. August was consumed by actors, actor's agents, publishers - and then by costumes, props and building the set for the first show.

Power tools and lumber. "One by" stock, staples and glue will hopefully turn into a wall with a pair of double doors.

The frame is ready for the luaun cover. Then all I had to do was build eight more flats. Ah, the romance of creating live theatre. Still picking carpenter's glue out of my fingernails.

But that was then, and this is now. We've just finished our first week of rehearsals for Or, by Liz Duffy Adams. Wonderful characters - Aphra Behn, Charles II, Nell Gwynne - fetched from history. Very funny, very witty and exhausting!

Brandy Zarle rehearsing as Aphra (she's appeared here in earlier seasons, in Boston Marriage and Time Stands Still) and Tim Rush as King Charles II (also appeared here in Time Stands Still). Brandy is either  trying to convince the King that he still owes her some money, or she's telling Tim how silly he looks in that wig.

And here's Caitlin Glasgo (also seen here in Boston Marriage and Time Stands Still) making an indecent offer to either Aphra or Charles or both at the same time.

It's Sunday and the actors have the day off. That means that I'm off to the theatre to finish building, to finish the painting and install some sconces. Tomorrow we're back to rehearsal, trying to create a work that will leave people breathless in at least two senses.

More later.